There are 3 partners in the business. Initially my wife(Rita) and I(Rajan) moved to East Anglia in 1992. After settling in the area we realised there was a gap in the market for traditional good quality Indian cuisine. Armed with this knowledge and our mystical recipes handed down the generation ladder we started to trade at Farmers Markets in East Anglia selling home made authentic curries and Indian snacks. In the summer of 2017 my sister-in-law(Perveen) moved to the area to help us expand the venture, as a result we now supply and serve food at public and private functions, supply frozen curries to shops as well as continuing to trade at Farmers Markets.
Our main aim is to cook and provide you with authentic Indian food. We have three main prongs to our business model; farmers market food stalls, catering for private and public events and providing curries to be sold in the retail sector.